The Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) affiliated with Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) help carry out the work of family engagement within the division. This month, we spotlight our school PTAs and Alexandria PTA Council (PTAC) as they share how they engage families.
“When the whole community surrounding our students gives of their talents, time and other resources, the school has the best chance to thrive,” said Sara Mercado Mathews, PTA president at Charles Barrett Elementary School (Charles Barrett). She adds that the community support works both ways, “I think that is the secret sauce of the PTA — you always get more than you give.”
Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy (LCTA) PTA President Matias Palavecino sees the PTA as a way to get acquainted with the school community. “We always love getting together with members of our community and having new friends meet and connect across classes and grades.” He explains that the LCTA PTA weekly email provides school news and amplifies key ACPS messages. Its active online parents group shares information, answers questions and welcomes diverse perspectives.